1st Student Conference in Structural Biology

Register below to the 1st Student Conference in Structural Biology with competition to be held online on 2-3 June 2021. The expected format will be short talks (15 minutes) with abstract published online. The presenting participants can be university students (any level, including PhD students defending their theses in 2021). The best presentations will be rewarded with support of the Council of Scientific Societies (RVS).

All talks will be judged by the Evaluation committee named by the CSSB Council. Three best talks will receive the Prize of the Czech Society for Structural Biology for outstanding student presentation, including a scientific book of their choice.

Contributions in the field of structural biology or closely related areas are expected.

The order of individual registrations is decisive for inclusion in the online program. In the case of interest significantly exceeding the number of planned talks we may invite the registered participants to pre-record their contribution (using their own means) and enable access to the recorded talk via the CSSB webpages.

By submitting your registration your agree with the rules for protection of personal data as defined here.

Prepare your abstract using this template and submit via email to Jarmila Dušková (duskovaj@ibt.cas.cz). We expect your abstract to reach the organizers on 31 March 2021 the latest.

To contact the conference organizers, write to duskovaj@ibt.cas.cz.