16th Structural Biology Club/page

16th Structural Biology Club of the Czech Society for Structural Biology
online on
28 June 2023, 13:00
with the following scientific talks kindly delivered by our guests

Serial macromolecular crystallography ‐ nice to meet you!

Presented by Martin Malý, Biological Sciences, Institute for Life Sciences, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

The development of X‐ray radiation sources ‐ mainly availability of the X‐ray free electron lasers ‐ leads to increased interest in serial macromolecular crystallography (serial MX). This method allows us to perform e.g. time‐resolved studies, collection of data not affected by radiation damage, and pump and probe experiments ‐ all at room temperature. In my talk, I will point out the main differences of serial MX in sample preparation, diffraction experiment and data processing in comparison with the conventional rotational cryo‐MX. Moreover, the application of the method will be shown on the ironbinding protein FutA from marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus and other examples.

Optimizing electron diffraction sample preparation and data acquisition for reducing radiation damage and increasing data completeness from 3D protein crystals

Presented by Alaa Shaikhqasem, Institute for Biochemistry und Biotechnology, Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany

3D electron diffraction (MicroED) has shown strong potential for collecting diffraction data from protein crystals that are too small to be studied by conventional X‐Ray crystallography. MicroED poses two opposing challenges: the minimization of radiation damage during data acquisition and the attainment of complete data. Here we present a multi‐position acquisition strategy for reducing electron‐induced radiation damage. We also present several optimizations to sample preparation and data processing which altogether lead to the successful determination of a novel protein complex structure to a merged completeness of 90% using data collected from only two crystals.

Moderator: Petr Kolenko, Czech Technical University in Prague

Please, join us on this Zoom link (join 5-10 minutes before the beginning)

Meeting ID: 988 6741 9047
Passcode: 726237