XII Discussions 2014

Institute of Biotechnology AS CR,
Institute of Microbiology AS CR,
Institute of Nanobiology and Structural Biology, GCRC AS CR,
South Bohemian University in České Budějovice,
Czech Society for Structural Biology
proudly organize
XII Discussions in Structural Molecular Biology
Nové Hrady, Thursday March 13 – Saturday March 15 2014

Please, note early start of the meeting at 13:00

XII Discussions will celebrate the International Year of Crystallography

Photos from the conference


Thursday, March 13

10:30 — 12:00  Registration at Nový Zámek
12:00 — 12:45  Accommodation in hotels

13:00 – 14:15 Special Session celebrating IYCr A: Chairperson Jan Dohnálek

Plenary Lecture to Celebrate the International Year of Crystallography

David Stuart: Challenges of virus crystallography

14:15 – 14:45 Coffee break

14:45 – 16:05  Special Session celebrating IYCr B: Chairperson Bohdan Schneider

Radomír Kužel: 2014 – International Year of Crystallography
Jindřich Hašek: International appreciation of crystallography
Imrich Barak: User consortium of serial femtosecond crystallography – Slovak involvement
Jan Dohnálek: Methods of structural biology of Instruct available to Czech researchers

16:05 – 16:30  Coffee break

16:30 – 18:00  Session I: Chairperson Petr Novák

Daniel Němeček: Application of Difference 3D Electron Microscopy to Identify DSS1 Subunits and Induced Conformational Changes in the Complex with Rad52
Tanvir Shaikh: Initial bridges between the two ribosomal subunits are formed within 9.4 milliseconds: A time-resolved cryo-EM study
Zdeněk Kukačka: Chemical Cross-linking and Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange –Tools for Precise Definition of Human Haptoglobin Structure
Evžen Bouřa: Combination of Xtal, SAXS, DEER and FRET data – the structure of ESCRT-I/II supercomplex and implications for membrane budding (30′)

18:00 – 21:00 Dinner

Friday , March 14

08:00  Breakfast

09:00 – 10:00 Session II: Chairperson Tomáš Obšil

Vernon Smith: Improvements to Data Quality with the PHOTON 100 detector in Shutterless Mode
Jiří Maršík: Latest Developments for Life Science from Rigaku
Jiří Brynda: X-ray Structural Analysis of Carbonic Anhydrase and Carborane-Based Inhibitors Complexes

10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break

10:20 – 12:00  Session III: Chairperson Evžen Bouřa

Kvido Strisovsky: Crystal structures of rhomboid intramembrane protease bound to substrate peptides elucidate the basis of substrate specificity and mechanism (30′)
David Kopečný: Family of plant nucleoside N-ribohydrolases
Veronika Lišková: Engineering enzyme access tunnels for protein stabilization
Sérgio Marques: Investigation of gating mechanisms in the access tunnels of haloalkane dehalogenases (30′)

12:10 – 13:30  Lunch

13:45 – 15:35 Session IV: Chairperson Daniel Němeček 

Moran Jerabek: MicroScale Thermophoresis: Interaction analysis and beyond (30′)
Lucie Bednarova: Raman microspectroscopy of Candida albicans vacuoles
Martin Golan: Theoretical and experimental study of charge transfer through DNA: impact of mercury attached to mismatched base pairs
Tatsiana Charnavets: Structure, stability and thermodynamic characteristics of single stranded DNA in repetitive extragenic palindromic elements
Josef Houser: RSL lectin – a complex approach to study carbohydrate-protein interaction

15:35 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 17:40 Session V: Chairperson Richard Hrabal

Matej Zábrady: Recombinant antibodies for in vivo applications
Jakub Ptáček: Selection and characterization of Anticalins specific for human glutamate carboxypeptidase II
Miroslava Kopecka: Role of EF-hand motif in the activation of neutral trehalase
Dalibor Kosek: Characterization of interactions between protein kinase ASK1 and its binding partners.
Ivana Nemcovicova: Cytomegalovirus gpUL141 exhibits unique receptor-binding domain to inhibit cell surface expression of CD155 and TRAIL death receptors

17:45 – 19:00  Dinner

19:00 – 20:00 General Assembly of the Czech Society for Structural Biology. Meeting will be held in the Czech and/or Slovak languages

Program Valného shromáždění ČSSB

1. Výroční zpráva Rady ČSSB o činnosti a hospodaření
2. Schválení výroční zprávy Rady ČSSB o činnosti a hospodaření
3. Zpráva revizní komise
4. Situace s budováním evropských infrastrukturních center
5. Členství naší společnosti v Radě vědeckých společností (RVS)
6. Nový Občanský zákoník – změny vyplývající pro ČSSB
7. Různé
8. Diskuse

20:15 – 22:45  Poster session – posters are listed below

Saturday, March 15

08:00  Breakfast

09:00  – 10:00 Session VI: Chairperson Rudiger Ettrich

Katsiaryna Tratsiak: Haloalkane dehalogenases: DmxA from Marinobacter sp. ELB 17 and DpcA from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5, from the crystallization to the structure analysis
Radka Chaloupková: Comparison of catalytic performance of haloalkane dehalogenases in deep eutectic and organic co-solvents
Petra Szelcsányiová: Modification of substrate specificity and catalytic activity of haloalkane dehalogenase linb by opening de novo access tunnels

10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break

10:20 – 12:00  Session VII: Chairperson Jiří Černý 

Rudiger Ettrich: Charybdotoxin unbinding from the mKv1.3 potassium channel: A Combined computational and experimental study (30′)
Saurabh Kumar: Pandey Binding competent states for L-arginine in E. coli arginine repressor apoprotein
Hedi Hegyi: Domain Integrity Verification of Alternative Splicing – the DIVAS server
Bohdan Schneider: Dynamics of biomolecules estimated by crystallographic B-factors (30′)

12:00 – 12:05 Closing remarks

12:15  Lunch

  • All talks labeled (30′) take 30 minutes, all others take 20 minutes. These times will be observed and include discussion, leave at least 5 minutes to your colleagegues!

Poster session starts on Friday March 14 at 20:15

Posters (alphabetically)  

ID First Last Title
12 Adriana Baumlova Structural characterization of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate IIalpha
37 Lada Biedermannová Hydrated amino acid rotamers
34 Kristýna Boušová Calmodulin and S100A1 protein interact with the intracellular termini of the TRPM4 channel
94 Jiří Bufka Synthesis and Spectroscopy of Derivatives of the Fluorescent Protein Chromophore
52 Zuzana Chromikova Crucial role of SpoIIE in Bacillus subtilis cell differentiation
96 Zdeněk Chval Molecular dynamics calculations of the Cy3 and Cy5 cyanine dyes terminally attached to DNA
70 Ladislav Cséfalvay Purification and Initial Imaging of the type I DNA Restriction-Modification Enzyme EcoR124I by Electron Microscopy
110 Oksana Degtjarik Crystallization and structural characterization of LinB86 haloalkane dehalogenase mutant
114 Radka Dopitová Crystal Structure of Phosphotransmitter AHP2 and Modeling of its Interaction with Sensor Histidine Kinase CKI1 – Towards Elucidating Molecular Recognition in the Multistep Phosphorelay Signaling in Plants
95 David Dufour Rausell RNA structure prediction by knowledge-based statistical potentials and fragment assembly
97 Olga Dvořáčková Influence of substitution effects in the pyridine ring on the reactivity of the trans-[Pt(NH3)2(pyr)Cl]+ complex.
39 Karla Fejfarová Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of nepenthesin-1
78 Jan Frömmel Aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase isoenzymes from Pisum sativum oxidize N-acylated aminoaldehydes
100 Pavel Grinkevich Structure and function of the C-terminal helical domain of the motor subunit HsdR from the type I restriction-modification system EcoR124I
108 Dipanjan Guha Initial imaging and structural analysis of the hamartin-tuberin complex
111 Jiří Heller Photosystem II PsbO protein from higher plants
62 Petr Hošek Moving hills – new parallelizable metadynamic method with fixed amount of bias potential
72 Dominik Hrebík Interactions between receiver domain of cytokinin receptor CKI1RD and AHP protein from Arabidopsis thaliana
32 Iuliia Iermak Crystallization of glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase from Thermoplasma acidophilum
40 Michaela Jirku Characterization of the calmodulin and S100A1 binding domains on the N-terminus of TRPM1 receptor
42 Miroslava Kacirova Structural studies on Pdc/14-3-3 protein complex
80 Radka Končitíková Structure-function study on enzymes linked to cytokinin metabolism – aldehyde dehydrogenases and nucleoside N-ribohydrolases
102 Terézia Kovaľová Structural and catalytic properties of α-L-fucosidase from Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus
107 Daniela Krajčíková Studies of Self-assembly Properties of Bacillus Spore Coat Proteins
55 Tomáš Kroupa Interaction of M-PMV matrix protein mutants with membranes
68 Monika Krupová Detection of Molecular Chirality in Lanthanide Complexes by the Raman Optical Activity
24 Ivana Kuta Smatanova Protein crystallization projects at the Faculty of Science of the USB CB
41 Salome Kylarova Structural characterization of the thioredoxin-binding domain of protein kinase ASK1 and its interaction with thioredoxin
49 Lucie Marečková KLK2- and KLK11-binding proteins – The novel class of recombinant capture ligands for improved Prostate Cancer diagnostics
112 Zora Novakova The role of the non-pharmacophore pocket of glutamate carboxypeptidase II in the design of small-molecule inhibitors
60 Jiri Pavlicek Crystal structures of complexes of GCPII with P1’-diversified urea-based inhibitors
109 Miroslav Peterek Assembly and molecular architecture of PI4K IIIa complexes
113 Maria Plevaka Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of DhaA57, DhaA80 and DhaA106 mutants from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064
76 Daniel Pokorný Structural and functional characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum lectin mutant
21 Tatyana Prudnikova Structural analysis of a novel haloalkane dehalogenase DbeA from Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA94
87 David Reha Molecular dynamics comparison of E. coli WrbA apoprotein and holoprotein
117 Leona Šerá Pump-probe molecular dynamics (PPMD) simulations in GROMACS and its testing on the PDZ domain.
51 Katsiaryna Shamayeva Interdomain communication in the endonuclease/motor subunit of Type I restriction- modification enzyme EcoR124I
46 Tereza Skálová Structures of receptors and ligands of mammalian NK cells
98 Vojtěch Spiwok Enhancement of linear vs. non-linear motions in protein folding
44 Jan Stránský Critical parameters of S-SAD – a real case experience
99 Zoran Šućur Exploring free energy surface of oxytocin by using well-tempered metadynamics
38 Ekaterina Tutubalina Crystallization of FrpC protein
61 Petra Zadravec Development of lactic acid bacterium capable of binding Shiga toxin on the surface
63 Vojtěch Zapletal NMR study of haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA: resonance assignment and relaxation

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts was Friday February 21 2014

please, send your abstracts as attachment in word.docx format to kuzel-at-karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Deadline for the payment is Friday February 28 2014

Registered Participants of the XII Discussions

Abstracts of all contributions of the XII Discussions

Photos from the conference by Bohdan Schneider & Jan Stránský
… and by Radek Kuzel

The whole program takes place at Nový zámek.

The conference has been supported by program “Education for Competitiveness) of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Konference byla podpořena programem OP VK Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy.


Organizers of the meeting Bohdan Schneider, Radek Kužel, Ivana Kutá-Smatanová, Rudiger Ettrich, Petr Novák, Jindřich Hašek, Jan Dohnálek