The 24th Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography meeting will take place on the South of Bohemia on the bank of Lipno Lake and near to Sumava mountains in the Hotel Resort Relax at Dolni Vltavice. The HEC24 will be organized by the group of Ivana Kuta Smatanova from the Faculty of Sciences University of South Bohemia Ceske Budejovice. It is a great honour to welcome Kay Diederichs, a professor of Molecular Bioinformatics at the Department of Biology, University of Konstanz to give a HEC24 plenary lecture that will explain the concepts behind X-ray data quality indicators, which are still not appreciated by many practicing crystallographers.
Author: Martin Maly
10th Structural Biology Club
10th Structural Biology Club of the Czech Society for Structural Biology
online on 29 June 2022, 1 pm with the following scientific talks kindly delivered by our guests:
Crystal structures and dynamics: Normal mode analysis
Presented by Jacob A. Bauer, Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
From local tau structures to considerations about its conformational ensemble
Presented by Ondrej Cehlár, Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Moderator: Rostislav Škrabana, Institute of Neuroimmunology SAS, Bratislava
Chemistry Towards Biology – Instruct Conference
Chemistry Towards Biology – Instruct Conference will be held on September 11 – 14, 2022 in Bratislava.
The conference will mainly cover topics – structure of biomolecules, intermolecular interactions, experimental and theoretical methods in biomolecular research.
The symposium will cover invited lectures, oral presentations selected from submitted abstracts, and poster sessions. Special attention is devoted to the active participation of young people at the symposium.
The early bird registration and abstract submission is May 31st, normal is June 30th. PhD students have special reduced fee.
Further details can be found at the conference web pages ( and the conference flyer.
9th Structural Biology Club
9th Structural Biology Club of the Czech Society for Structural Biology online on 25 May 2022, 1 pm with the following scientific talks kindly delivered by our guests.
Structural status of HIV-1 capsid during nuclear import and uncoating
Presented by Vojtěch Žíla, Department of Infectious Diseases – Virology, University of Heidelberg
Molecular mechanisms of CRISPR-associated genome editor nucleases and transposons
Presented by Martin Jinek, Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich
Moderator: Pavel Plevka, CEITEC, Masaryk University
New textbooks: Proteíny. Štruktúra a funkcia
We would like to draw your attention to these new textbooks in Slovakian language “Proteíny. Štruktúra a funkcia (1. diel)” and “Proteíny. Štruktúra a funkcia (2. diel)” related to structural biology and available from the publisher (Comenius University Bratislava).